There is just no comparison between having a dinner date with a man and staying home playing canasta with the girls.
If a star or studio chief or any other great movie personages find themselves sitting among a lot of nobodies, they get frightened – as if somebody was trying to demote them.
I once wanted to prove myself by being a great actress. Now I want to prove that I’m a person. Then maybe I’ll be a great actress.
Fame is like caviar, you know – it’s good to have caviar but not when you have it at every meal.
What good am I? I can’t have kids. I can’t cook. I’ve been divorced three times. Who would want me?
What’s the good of drawing in the next breath if all you do is let it out and draw in another?
An actor is supposed to be a sensitive instrument. Isaac Stern takes good care of his violin. What if everybody jumped on his violin?
There was my name up in lights. I said, ‘God, somebody’s made a mistake.’ But there it was, in lights. And I sat there and said, ‘Remember, you’re not a star.’ Yet there it was up in lights.