Quotes by Kesha

I think I am really irreverent and I pretty much just talk to and about men the way men talk to and about women.

Society has taught us to suppress certain things and not do certain things.

It’s about time that society accepts people for who they are.

I believe in karma, and I believe if you put out positive vibes to everybody, that’s all you’re going to get back.

I know that I can sing. That’s the reason I started playing music when I was twelve years old.

My music is fun, kind of cheeky.

I do love country music.

I’m writing constantly about all my crazy experiences across the world, so I have a lot of music I’ve already written.

I think people need to have fun with whatever they’re doing – makeup, their clothes, music, live shows – anything you don’t need to take too seriously, don’t take too seriously.

I love country music, blues, and punk, and one day I might make those kinds of records.