Quotes by Jennifer Aniston

Parenting is one of the hardest jobs on earth.

I have been pregnant in so many movies it’s ridiculous.

There are a lot of movies that are unbelievable successes that I would be mortified to be a part of.

What inspires you, what excites you when you wake up in the morning?

I love that feeling of being in love, the effect of having butterflies when you wake up in the morning. That is special.

Marriage is wonderful.

Marriage brings up all the things I pushed to the back burner – the fears, the mistrust, the doubts, the insecurities. It’s like opening Pandora’s box.

Designing a house is like doing a movie: Once you’re done, you want to say, ‘I hope you all enjoy it.’

I’ve gone for each type: the rough guy the nerdy, sweet, lovable guy and the slick guy. I don’t really have a type. Men in general are a good thing.

Where would you be without friends? The people to pick you up when you need lifting? We come from homes far from perfect, so you end up almost parent and sibling to your friends – your own chosen family. There’s nothing like a really loyal, dependable, good friend. Nothing.