Quotes by Francis Ford Coppola

I’ve been offered lots of movies. There’s always some actor who’s doing a project and would like to have me do it. But you look at the project and think, ‘Gee, there are a lot of good directors who could do that.’ I’d like to do something only I can do.

People feel the worst film I made was ‘Jack.’ But to this day, when I get checks from old movies I’ve made, ‘Jack’ is one of the biggest ones. No one knows that. If people hate the movie, they hate the movie. I just wanted to work with Robin Williams.

I think cinema, movies, and magic have always been closely associated. The very earliest people who made film were magicians.

As long as I can make lots of money in other businesses, I’ll continue to subsidize my own work.

I was never sloppy with other people’s money. Only my own. Because I figure, well, you can be.

We had access to too much money, too much equipment, and little by little, we went insane.

It takes no imagination to live within your means.

When I was going for my graduate degree, I decided I was going to make a feature film as my thesis. That’s what I was famous for-that I had my thesis film be a feature film, which was ‘You’re a Big Boy Now.’

They needed someone to write a script of The Great Gatsby very quickly for the movie they were making. I took this job so I’d be sure to have some dough to support my family.

I had a number of very strong personalities in my family. My father was a concert flutist, the solo flute for Toscanini.