There is a shortage of teachers but the January 2001 schools census showed that teacher numbers were at their highest level than at any time since 1984 – and 11,000 higher than 1997.
What politicians want to create is irreversible change because when you leave office someone changes it back again.
Where the private sector, or anyone else, has skills, knowledge and resources that can help to deliver a high quality of education and to raise standards, we should use them.
If bringing up the next generation is important, why aren’t they the best qualified, the best paid? Why aren’t we as concerned about their career progression as we are about those who work in the education or health services?
Before this government came to power, many failing schools were simply allowed to drift on in a pattern of continuing failure. The government is determined to break that pattern and is successfully doing so.
I know there are things I did in education that will never be reversed. I have not done that in film yet because I have only been here for about nine months.
At different times I taught humanities, social sciences and pre-vocational education.
We do recognise the need to move towards the publication of information showing the progress made by pupils from one stage of their education to another.