Quotes by Christopher Walken

There’s something dangerous about what’s funny. Jarring and disconcerting. There is a connection between funny and scary.

Some people can do things and get away with it. Comics are famously like that. Why is it that some guys can say the most horrible things and it’s not offensive, it’s funny?

I always like to watch comics and it’s interesting that you can tell if someone’s funny in 10 seconds.

My hair was famous before I was.

Obviously an actor draws on his own experience.

Also for me it was different because I play a lot of villains and in this one I play a dad and I play a good guy, basically. He’s the Secretary of the Treasury. I never had a job like that.

I think early on I knew what I was going to do and it was based a lot on familiarity but it was also because I didn’t have a lot of skills. There was nothing I wanted t be. I didn’t want to be a doctor. I wanted to be in show business.

I think the fact that I was raised in show business, in New York City, in the ’50s, that’s affected my personality to the point that I’m a little different.

Well, I was sort of a jack-of-all-trades in show business for a long time. I was a singer and a dancer and then I got a job as an actor.

I’ll tell you, Quentin Tarantino really writes the most amazing dialogue.