Quotes by Adlai E. Stevenson

It’s hard to lead a cavalry charge if you think you look funny on a horse.

Freedom rings where opinions clash.

I believe in the forgiveness of sin and the redemption of ignorance.

I believe that if we really want human brotherhood to spread and increase until it makes life safe and sane, we must also be certain that there is no one true faith or path by which it may spread.

We must recover the element of quality in our traditional pursuit of equality. We must not, in opening our schools to everyone, confuse the idea that all should have equal chance with the notion that all have equal endowments.

Communism is the death of the soul. It is the organization of total conformity – in short, of tyranny – and it is committed to making tyranny universal.

To act coolly, intelligently and prudently in perilous circumstances is the test of a man – and also a nation.

Change is inevitable. Change for the better is a full-time job.

Law is not a profession at all, but rather a business service station and repair shop.

Do you know the difference between a beautiful woman and a charming one? A beauty is a woman you notice, a charmer is one who notices you.